Thursday, August 20, 2009

Given up: being a London socialite and am catching up with the Big Cats and possibly a few lemurs!

Dear “Addicted to Africa Diary”....Yes those extra few drinks after a hard day in the office are appealing, but it won’t get the travel kitty any closer to Africa. I’ve just been watching some re-runs of the BBC’s Big Cat Week on DVD. OK, hands up this is probably a weekly habit of mine, but according to “Andy, the great outdoorsman from the Veldt,” Africa is a real addiction so you could say it’s one way of keeping myself from going crazy during the long periods between my travels. Anyway, if the DVD dies on me I can always catch up with Acacia on Twitter (apparently they’re running a Madagascar Tweet Up tomorrow between 10am and noon (BST) – and I’ve always fancied a shot a lemur trekking ☺). October to November is baby lemur season so I might have to make another trip by to my favourite continent post my 13-day mini-overland tour through Kenya and Tanzania

Amelia Smith...

Saving up for your next Africa trip...any great ideas on how to generate more cash for Amelia's travel kitty? From the weird to the wonderful we're all ears...

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